The job configuration is handled in a Registry class. A job is either an Action or a class that inherits IJob:

using FluentScheduler;

public class MyRegistry : Registry
    public MyRegistry()
        // Schedule an IJob to run at an interval

        // Schedule an IJob to run once, delayed by a specific time interval

        // Schedule a simple job to run at a specific time
        Schedule(() => Console.WriteLine("It's 9:15 PM now.")).ToRunEvery(1).Days().At(21, 15);

        // Schedule a more complex action to run immediately and on an monthly interval
        Schedule<MyComplexJob>().ToRunNow().AndEvery(1).Months().OnTheFirst(DayOfWeek.Monday).At(3, 0);

        // Schedule a job using a factory method and pass parameters to the constructor.
        Schedule(() => new MyComplexJob("Foo", DateTime.Now)).ToRunNow().AndEvery(2).Seconds();

        // Schedule multiple jobs to be run in a single schedule

You can also use the Registry class directly (instead of inheriting it):

var registry = new Registry();
registry.Schedule(() => Console.WriteLine("It's 9:15 PM now.")).ToRunEvery(1).Days().At(21, 15);
registry.Schedule<MyComplexJob>().ToRunNow().AndEvery(1).Months().OnTheFirst(DayOfWeek.Monday).At(3, 0);

It's also possible to schedule jobs after initialization:

JobManager.AddJob(() => Console.WriteLine("Late job!"), (s) => s.ToRunEvery(5).Seconds());